WORKS IN PROGRESS: Horse Shadows (midway)

a still from a progress video showing Elizabeth Lisa Petrulis painting "Horse Shadows"

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a still from a progress video showing Elizabeth Lisa Petrulis painting "Horse Shadows"

The below live action video lasts less than 34 seconds but represents 25 minutes of work in the studio (through the miracle of editing and accelerated motion).

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Dog/Alpaca, dog studies, high contrast black acrylic pai;ting of dog and its shadow by Elizabeth Lisa Petrulis

Dog Studies, Dog/Alpaca, black acrylic on prepared canvas, 2013
24″ x 36″ x 1 ¼”, Elizabeth Lisa Petrulis (Private Collection, Columbia, SC)

Dino was the lone survivor of our original pack of canine misfits.  But his shadow often looked like it belonged to another animal, having lost his tail in an unfortunate accident. This one I thought looked like an Alpaca. I find the distorted shapes of shadows endlessly fascinating.

See and read more about the Original Series.