WORKS IN PROGRESS: Horse Shadows (midway)

a still from a progress video showing Elizabeth Lisa Petrulis painting "Horse Shadows"

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a still from a progress video showing Elizabeth Lisa Petrulis painting "Horse Shadows"

The below live action video lasts less than 34 seconds but represents 25 minutes of work in the studio (through the miracle of editing and accelerated motion).

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Chihuahua Legs, a new old painting

black and white painting of two Chihuahuas. One pawing at the face of the other.
Petrulis Chihuahua paintings, featuring chihuahua Legs center, on display at Gaslight Art Colony
Chihuahua Legs on view in my solo show at Gaslight Art Colony 2015.

I don’t know why I didn’t share Chihuahua Legs earlier .Doubt? Procrastination? It’s already been seen in public.    Is it done? I don’t know. I think so. Mostly.   Ok, so while I was editing I added just a smidge more paint. A new old painting.

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