Rosie Quick Draw (videos)

Side by side images of 2 versions of a quickly and loosely drawn dog dozing in the sun. In these colorful portraits the second adds a grassy background.

This color quick draw was a warmup study for a commission. I did it shortly after I got my color paint pens. I use the term “quick draw” because these drawings are usually done in under an hour. (Not because the video is sped up.) I have included a real time video along with the sped-up ones to show the actual speed. See a couple of other quick draws of Rosie at the bottom of this post where you will also find a link to the commissioned painting.

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Sadie dog belly up twisting and rolling in the grass

Sadie came our way from a friend who rescued her but could not keep her. She was medium, terrier-ish, energetic, and strong willed. At the time we had one dog, Doug, a large, barrel-chested mix of undetermined parentage (possibly Great Pyrenees and Labrador), sweet and playful. We did our best to introduce the two as … Read more