Rosie Quick Draw (videos)

This color quick draw was a warmup study for a commission. I did it shortly after I got my color paint pens. I use the term “quick draw” because these drawings are usually done in under an hour. (Not because the video is sped up.) I have included a real time video along with the sped-up ones to show the actual speed. See a couple of other quick draws of Rosie at the bottom of this post where you will also find a link to the commissioned painting.

I thought I was finished at the end of part one, but then I decided to put in a background. If I had planned a background from the start, I would have been marking it along with the figure. I tend to mark all over (where appropriate) layering one color at a time, as you can see in the videos.

For comparison see the following real time video, the first 15 minutes from part 1.

See the commissioned Rosie in the knife painting portfolio, other quick draws in the drawing portfolio, other studies for a painting, and a progress video for a drawing and a painting.

Two more studies for the commission.

A quickly and loosely drawn dignified portrait of a cattle dog in nature, mostly in primary colors with wide and thin acrylic markers.
Quick Draw (Rosie first) 9/5/2022, acrylic paint pens on paper, 14″ x 11″, Elizabeth Lisa Petrulis
A quickly and loosely drawn profile of a cattle dog, mostly in primary colors with wide acrylic markers.
Quick Draw (Rosie profile) 9/6/2022, acrylic paint pens on paper, 14″ x 11″, Elizabeth Lisa Petrulis.

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